What Is BROTHER PRINTER DRUM ERROR and How to fix it?
Can you imagine your office or the workplace without the printer? Of course not! Printers are essential for every office and educational institution. Sometimes documents completely depend on the printer. So, it is become necessary to have a good printer at your place. And the Brother printer is the best for it. Unfortunately, like any other technical device, it is common to have some error on this printer. The common type of error that occurs on this printer is the brother drum printer error. So, let’s explore what this error is and ways to find it with the solution to resolve it.
If you want to fix and technical error, then the best option is to ask for help from any technical person who knows the same and know well how to fix it. So, here we will share how can you fix the brother printer drum error with the help of technical experts. Facing error repeatedly and calling the technician for the same is quite annoying, so don’t worry, we are here to make you an expert to solve your problem independently. Just follow the instruction step by step, and you will fix the brother drum printer error.
Know About Drum Printer
The brother drum unit is a different unit that can replace after 3 or 4 toners cartridge is used. So if you received the error to replace your drum printer, you need to buy the new brother drum printer and fit it on the previous one. But if you realize that this error is not relevant, then take out the drum printer and clean it out and fix it again to the place. It will help you out to fix your error. So, basically, there are two most commonly used ways to resolve the drum printer error: to replace it or fix the error by finding the best possible way.
How to Fix The Brother Drum Printer Error?
Here we will see the ways how to fix drum error on the brother printer. You can resolve the Brother laser printer drum errors in two different ways, by either fixing it or completely replacing it.
Brother printers have different types of consumables, such as the toner cartridge and the drum unit. So make sure that what substitute you choose is the drum unit and not the cartridge.
Step By Step Instruction to fix the Brother Drum Printer Error
Follow the stated step by step to fix the error:
- First, open the front cover of your Brother printer.
- open the front cover
- Now press the clean button once at the top.
- press the clean button
- Click on the Start button stated with the green color on your printer top.
When you realize that your Display screen is turned off, start pressing the Plus (+) button frequently10 or 11 times.
Now press Ok. It will prompt with the ‘Please wait’ sign.
Close the printer cover.
Now you have successfully resolved the Brother printer drum error. Now, you can print whatever you want to print. Now you free to print your desired copies.
Reset Brother Printer Error Drum
One of the common error that frequently arises that we get a message that states drum error. To replace a new drum or set a new drum, open up the machine and put up the cartridge center out.
When you take the cartridge center out, you can see two devices you call: the drum and the toner cartridge. To release the toner cartridge from the drum, press the blue tab and lift the toner cartridge out.
Now replace the old drum with the new one and place your initial toner cartridge back. Could you wait until it clicks? Next, slide the blue tab over two or three times to clean the corona wire.
Insert the whole unit back in, and to reset the drum count on a multi-functional machine like this, you will click the button clear back. A message pops up and says, Replace Drum.
Select 1 for yes. And that’s the easiest way to reset the brother printer drum error.
Brother supports that clients use genuine Brother drum units. Each laser printer is designed to perform at a defined room temperature adapted to each of the specific toner specifications. All the components are designed to work further to safeguard quality as well as reliability.
If you use some non-Branded materials, that may affect the hardware’s performance and create more trouble for the printer, print quality and machine’s consistency. The warranty card does not apply to any problem or errors caused by the usage of unapproved third-party drum units or any toner cartridges.
Wrapping Up:
Here we have discussed the brother printer drum error and how you can use it to fix it up. So, I hope it must be clear to all of you, and you are now self-sufficient to manage your printer. There is some advice for you, that always use genuine or the branded parts for the printer. It will help to increase the performance and improve the quality of the printer. Use it frequently and do it on your own. If you are facing any trouble in resolving your problem, you can connect us now for brother printer support assistance.